Have you noticed anything about it that makes you uncomfortable? Anything that makes you curious about the results you’d get from a relationship quiz? Or are you skeptical of relationship quizzes in general? There are so many out there, after all, and while plenty can be entertaining, you’d like to find just one that answered a deeply-held question of yours regarding the health of your love relationship. It’s not so much whether he (or she) is really into you but whether or not those alarm bells sounding in your head are signs that something is really wrong between you two. And, after all, what’s the harm in taking a toxic relationship quiz, if you’ve noticed things that make you think, “Is this normal?” or “Should I be okay with this?”

Is my relationship healthy?

If you’re questioning the health of your relationship, there’s no harm in taking a couple quiz — particularly one designed to help you detect behavior that can spell trouble for you both down the road. But what behaviors in your significant other might motivate you to take a love quiz?

Micro-managingDismissive behavior when you’re trying to talk about your concernsBlaming you when you try to tell them how you feel about something they’ve said or donePossessive behavior or intense jealousy toward anyone with whom he/she has to share your love and attentionManipulative behavior whenever you try to reassert your independenceYelling at, criticizing, or belittling you in front of othersDemanding more time (or other resources) than you can reasonably give as “proof” of your love.

Relationship quizzes: Are you in a healthy relationship?

If any of the above signs sound familiar, I hope you’ll take the relationship quiz linked to below. This may interest you: Would you like to question your way to lasting love and intimacy? If so, then check out my bestselling book called “201 Relationship Questions: The Couple’s Guide to Building Trust and Emotional Intimacy“. Mutual questioning is a powerful technique to draw out deeper emotions and desires and address potential areas of conflict before they disrupt your closeness. The right questions inspire understanding, compassion, and action for positive change. Sometimes, all you need is for another person who knows what you’re dealing with to tell you what some part of you may already be considering. Let us be the “other person” listening as you share your warning signs, so we can encourage you to do what will make you stronger and happier in the long run. We encourage you to take the test with an open mind and give the results thoughtful consideration. Don’t make the mistake of assuming the test is “overreacting” (as a controlling significant other might accuse you of doing) or that this is “one of those tests” that are heavily weighted in favor of dumping your S.O. — just in case. It’s not like that. If your relationship is healthy, this relationship quiz will only help you confirm that. If it’s not, it’ll only make suggestions for what you can do next. You’re under no obligation to follow through with any of the suggestions. But we hope you’ll take them to heart. We take your concerns about your relationship seriously, after all, and we’re sharing this relationship quiz as a tool to help you investigate those concerns. Because you deserve to be taken seriously. Not every relationship test on the internet is designed to help you decide whether your concerns justify doing something to change your relationship for the better (or to end it, if necessary). So, take the healthy relationship quiz with complete freedom, and if the results make the warning bells in your mind even louder than before (because strength in numbers), don’t let anyone dismiss those concerns as paranoia or oversensitivity. Take yourself and your concerns as seriously as we do.

Ready to take the relationship quiz?

Everyone has a right to a healthy relationship. If your relationship passes the controlling relationship quiz linked to in this article, congratulations! Whatever happens down the road, you can at least say you’ve experienced a healthy love relationship. The relationship test not only addresses toxic behavior but calls attention to the hallmarks of a supportive relationship — both directly and indirectly.

Would you like to learn healthy communication skills for your relationship? If so, then check out my Couples Communication Course. So many couples get trapped in hurtful patterns of conflict and misunderstanding. In this online course,  you’ll learn communication strategies that will transform your relationship and strengthen your bond. You’ll learn to resolve conflict constructively and establish new talking and listening habits to make your relationship fun, sexy, and loving again. Learn more about the Couples Communication Course »> 24 Of The Best Relationship Books 9 Of The Best Communication Exercises For Couples 99 Romantic Things To Do With the One You Love If your results indicate that you’ve been noticing some problematic behavior in your significant other, it’s probably time to address those behaviors. Depending on how the other person reacts to your questions and concerns, you may decide it’s best to either end the relationship or suggest counseling. Whatever you decide, if we’ve helped you understand the reason for those warning bells — and if we’ve convinced you that you deserve a warning-bell-free relationship — this article has accomplished its purpose. You deserve the freedom to do the same. May your courage and determination to thrive (and to help others do the same) influence everything else you do today.

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